Please kindly note that MyeduNigeria can,t check your dv STATUS with just the registration Number, If you want our Staff to help you and check , kindly comment belo with the following information:
1. Confirmation Number:
Format: 2015xxxxxxxxxxxx. Forgot Confirmation Number
2. Last/Family Name:
Provide the Last/Family Name that was used on the Diversity Visa Lottery Form. If no name was provided, select the option labeled ‘No Last/Family Name’ below.
Last/Family Name
No Last/Family Name A Last/Family Name was not used during the application process.
3. Year of Birth: Your real date of birth
but you can also check yourself by checking this article at How to Check American Diversity 2013/2014 Visa Lottery Results or just follow this simple steps to check.
Kindly Visit
Once you login to the site , a full notification like
The U.S. Department of State Electronic Diversity Visa Entrant Status Check for Diversity Visa Program for DV- 2014 is available until September 30, 2014. The Entrant Status Check for DV-2013 applicants will remain open until September 30, 2013.
will be display, Kindly ignore it and Click Contiune or
Visit this Link
Once the link Opens, you can then enter your registration data in order to check your result.
Us Visa Lottery 2015 Results Guides at -
by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 5:33 AM , have 0

Us Visa Lottery 2015 Results Guides at - - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 5:33 AM . And have 0