'The #ASKSAM Social Media Convos is a platform for general Social Media users to have online and real-time conversations with Mr. Sam Nda-Isaiah via Facebook, Twitter and Google + Hangout.
Mr. Sam Nda-Isaiah has indicated his wholesome and courageous intent to run for the post of President of Nigeria under the flagship of the APC.
These Convos would give online users an intimate opportunity to ask Mr. Sam various questions bordering on almost every subject of which he will reply to as many as possible in real-time.
The Dates and Times for the #ASKSAM Convos are :
Post your questions to Sam's Timeline on his Facebook profile page - www.facebook.com/samndaisaiah
Date: Thursday 5th, June, 2014
Time: 10am - 12noon & 2pm - 3pm
Post your questions on Twitter using the hash tag #ASKSAM. Follow @SamNdaIsaiah.
Date: Saturday 7th, June, 2014
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Google + :
Join the Google + Hangout with Mr. Sam and ask him live questions either by dropping them on his page [www.google.com/+SamNdaIsaiah] and using the hash tag #ASKSAM or on the Hangout Video platform.
Date: Wednesday 11th, June, 2014
Time: 10am - 12noon