Stylee Brodas {@styleebrodas} - Halelluyah [Joko Dance]

by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 10:55 PM , have 0 comments
STYL EE BRODAS formerly known as NINE-4-STYLE is a duo afro hiphop group made up of {ABOLAJI TAIWO a.k.a TMACKAY and ABOLAJI KEHINDE a.k.a ME3RD.K. The name “NIN4STYLE” was formed in accordance with their style of music (9JA FORIEGN STYLE) 9JA
represents the African style of music while the FORIEGN style represents hiphop . The stylee brothers who are from Oshogbo(OSHO’G), Osun state, Nigeria, started their carrier in their secondary school days and later started proffesionally in the year 2007 in their institutions.

Stylee Brodas {@styleebrodas}  - Halelluyah [Joko Dance]
Stylee Brodas {@styleebrodas} - Halelluyah [Joko Dance] - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 10:55 PM, categorized as NEXT RATED . And have 0 comments
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