Miro Pain Release Hot Promotional Pics {@Miro_Pain}

by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 5:36 AM , have 0 comments

MIRO-PAIN a.k.a Osisi DE Hiptree is an indigenous Rapper from Eastern part of nigeria,Anambra state.ENUGWU-UKWU, MIRO PAIN whose Real name is chukwuma michael okwudilichukwu started his secondary school Education in  Enugu state and heading to the next level of Education, MIRO-PAIN osisi de hiptree was born in
1995 march 20th and started his music career at the age of 13years.he is de second son of his parents,MIRO-PAIN Osisi hiptree is de boss and the owner of XEASON,FILM,ENTER10MENT,MIRO PAIN is sick with punchlines and lyricist, igbotic verbs and one of his song called AKINU {Bitter Kola} is now known by many people, and people comments on his songs<obu na mmadu bu chineke oga eme gi touch and follow>is one of his igbo words}and MIRO-PAIN in all his song he always call  cha cha eke`s name,miro pain is de king of igbo rap,and he rap with Energy,he fears no body he is like a rap spirit,and he is working with 2shy, CEO of WWW.2shymusic.com and CYCOZ EMPIRE, but his THE CEO of XEASON FILM ECORDS 

one word,MIRO-PAIN is "the truth"

Miro Pain Release Hot Promotional Pics {@Miro_Pain}
Miro Pain Release Hot Promotional Pics {@Miro_Pain} - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 5:36 AM, categorized as PHOTOS . And have 0 comments
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