Hotel fires employee who sold Jay Z & Solange Elevator Fight video for $250,000

by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 1:41 AM , have 0 comments
The Standard Hotel in New York City said  it had identified and fired the person who leaked famed Jay Z /Solange elevator  tape. According to Abc news,In a statement the hotel said that the person had been terminated for "breaching the security polices of the hotel and recording the confidential CCTV video."

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TMZ posted the 3-minute video after buying it for a whooping  $250,000 after "being shopped for five days to the highest bidder."

I don't think the staff will care unless they collect the money back..
Hotel fires employee who sold Jay Z & Solange Elevator Fight video for $250,000
Hotel fires employee who sold Jay Z & Solange Elevator Fight video for $250,000 - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 1:41 AM, categorized as PHOTOS . And have 0 comments
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