An average African man would make use of
his eyes more than his head, maybe this is the reason I have always
adored this quote since the first time I came across it. I mean, how
would an African man come across a naked woman and not pronounce her
beautiful or adore her beauty by praising her creator when he can see
what has been hidden under robes therefore he need not use his head to
undress her after all she’s either stark naked or semi naked right in
front of him – no need for him to use his head anymore and so without
thinking far, he would adore her wholeheartedly singing “you’re
a second thought, I feel what the writer of that quote was trying to
say. He probably meant “Eve was beautiful in front of Adam” before they
ate the forbidden fruit – the days when immorality had not started
eating through the heart of man. Of course, every woman is beautiful
when she’s naked, I mean at that moment, the eyes of the man would
wander away from the face to the body – I mean, how won’t she be
beautiful but I suppose she should opt to be naked in the right place –
in her husband’s bedroom and (since we’re in a world where lovers live
together and cuddle yet unmarried) in front of her lover, maybe.
from my thoughts, any sort of nakedness besides ‘the proper’ is ugly
and yes I mean it, really ugly that I wish to be allowed into the rest
room to throw up. Gone are those days when every woman was beautiful
when naked, these days, most men are irritated by some naked women
(those that dress far too casual). These kinds are everywhere – the
likes of Maheeda, Afro Candy, Cossy Orjiakor (without dwelling much on
them as a topic), even some of our mothers and their younger likes on
our campuses.
not saying naked girls are not attractive, definitely not for every man
will find them attractive but on the contrary, I’m saying seeing a
woman wrongfully naked will not guarantee her beauty because a woman
wrongfully naked is likely to be advertizing her body for what else but
attention, money maybe. I would like every woman to be well dressed and
be beautiful – that’s African.
the end, I think the quote should be “every woman is beautiful when
naked in her bedroom…and not on our streets or on the net”
Thank you.
by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 2:28 PM , have 0
[MUST READ] EVERY WOMAN IS BEAUTIFUL WHEN NAKED: A THOUGHT - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 2:28 PM, categorized as Gists
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