New tune from P.H breed rapper Paul Wnyime popularly known as CHELOR P aka juanaboy.
This song FEEL AlRIGHT is all about the right to a man's Life and a man most try to be there for the woman of his life.
Chelor P is from Akwa ibom state Nigeria, He Says 'This is just the
genesis of me, I promise to show the best of me to all my lovely fans.
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Chelor P - #Feel_Alright (@Chelorpofficial)
by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 9:13 AM , have 0

Chelor P - #Feel_Alright (@Chelorpofficial) - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 9:13 AM, categorized as Musics
. And have 0