Her name is Yetunde Akilaja and she’s a Yoruba actress cum serial thief. On sunday Jan. 13th, Yetunde Akilaja, was caught red
handed No 15 Ibitayo street in Magodo Phase 2 area of Lagos. She broke
into an apartment with master keys and this happened few months after
she was released cos she was arrested and imprisoned for stealing.
UPDATES on her:
Her family members have bailed her from police detention as the aggrieved people refused to press charges.
She has been expelled from the Yoruba movie industry by the
leadership of Odunfa Caucus, cos of her continuous involvement in
criminal acts.
After she was granted bail last year, Yetunde claimed some people
in the movie industry set her up but it seems there is more to her case
as people are beginning to say she may be suffering from spiritual