Nigerian Ex-Beauty Queen, Karen Eloke Speaks out About Abuse Of Ladies In Nigeria & How She Was Molested

by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , at 11:15 PM , have 0 comments
just so sad. I think the society needs to start respecting women. Some of these women work so hard, that men can’t even dare to go that lane. They can’t even dare to work that hard. Yet, because they are women
they do not get respected for what they have worked for. Her tweets are heart breaking, and I tell you for free, this is what most successful ladies go through. You can’t even go somewhere alone that you want to buy a house, the questions won’t end. It’s so sad and sickening. Her tweets after the cut. You need to start from the bottom and read upwards to be able to understand

Nigerian Ex-Beauty Queen, Karen Eloke Speaks out About Abuse Of Ladies In Nigeria & How She Was Molested
Nigerian Ex-Beauty Queen, Karen Eloke Speaks out About Abuse Of Ladies In Nigeria & How She Was Molested - written by Gen 2shy add us pin:26BD08C7 @2shymusic , published at 11:15 PM, categorized as Gists . And have 0 comments
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