How to Find Out What Your Destiny Is (and answer the question “What Do You Want?”)

by Unknown , at 1:11 PM , have 2 comments

Some believe that whatever will be will be and there is no point in planning.
Others believe that you are the creator of all that happens in your life. BOLD & DETERMINED is of the opinion that anything a smart and mentally stable person wishes to achieve can be achieved through the sheer power of determination.

Arnold Schwarzenegger wished to become the best bodybuilder who ever lived. His parents and his peers in his small Austrian town thought bodybuilding was a ticket to nowhere and that he was wasting his time. But young Arnold had an iron will and unbreakable determination and he went on to become the greatest bodybuilder of all time.
After he found bodybuilding success, Arnold Schwarzenegger wished to become a movie star, not an actor, a star. Agents laughed at his bulky muscles and his funny accent. Arnold was not deterred, he knew his path, his destiny, and he went on to become the most famous movie star the world has ever seen.
Young Arnold could have listened to his parents in his small Austrian town of Graz, he could have given up his bodybuilding dreams and followed in the footsteps of his Police Chief father. Becoming Chief of Police is certainly not a bad living, but Arnold certainly would have wondered “what if….” until his dying day.
When asked the question “What Do You Want?” Arnold answered “I want to become the greatest bodybuilder of all time, move to America, become a movie star and then become a world leader“.
Knowing what you want is the most important part of determining and fulfilling your destiny.
Having a plan is of utmost importance. Being able to answer the question “What do you want?” with complete certainty IS your plan. If you cannot answer the question or if you answer with vague uncertainties then that is what you are surely to become: nothing but a vague uncertainty.
Q: What do you want?
A: Oh, I don’t know. A good job I guess. Maybe some travel. You know, just be happy.
That’s exactly what this person will get. A job that pays him money and steals what is left of his soul. A week of vacation per year and one day he may make it to Cancun, Mexico. That’s it.
Q: What do you want?
A: I want to set up a drop-shipping business selling blue widgets to overweight single moms. This business will be set up so that it can be run from anywhere in the globe. This will give me a chance to have positive cash flow while I do a little traveling. The blue widget business will not last forever so I will invest money from that venture into real estate, specifically farm land, which will give me an income for the rest of my life. I plan to raise a large family on a farm in xxxxx, away from the degenerate influence of television and public schools.
I would bet money that this person will be able to follow through with this plan, this destiny, because he knows exactly what he wants.
How to Answer the Question “What Do You Want?”
The first step to answering this questions is to BE HONEST. It is only for you that you are answering this question so you must let go of the fear of saying something wrong or improper.
For example: I will get married some day and raise a family. I will only marry a woman who meets specific guidelines, and one of those is that she must be a virgin. Every man I know is deathly afraid to admit that they would prefer a virgin, or to even think that it’s an option. The consequence is that these men will end up with used goods. Fine for them. That is the destiny they have chosen.
When answering the question “What do you want?” it is ok to be selfish. It is imperative to be selfish when answering the question.
You likely already know what you want. For some, the ones who can answer completely, the thoughts are at the forefront of their mind. For others, those who are scared to answer with sincerity and honesty, the thoughts are what keep them awake at night.
What keeps you awake at night?
  • Dread for your job?
  • Money worries?
  • Debt?
  • Wishing you had a lovely young lady to hold?
  • Excitement for the day ahead?
  • Wishing you had something to be excited about?
  • Depression?
What you are thinking about is likely what you have waiting for you in the future. Night time is the greatest indicator of whether or not you are following what should be your destiny. There are two options at night when you lay awake:
  1. You are visualizing your plan of attack, you are going over your plans, you are preparing, you are excited for the day ahead and you fall asleep content. Or…
  2. The demons come for you. All your mistakes and missteps come to eat you up because you are not on the path you should be on.
What To Do
Get a paper and pen and write down the most important things in your life. Read this repeatedly until you have narrowed down exactly what is most important. Then say it out loud. Don’t mumble and don’t stutter. Say it loud with confidence.
Never say “I don’t know“.
When someone says “What do you want for dinner?” you must answer with certainty.
When someone says “What do you want to do tonight?” you must answer with certainty.
This will get you used to answering questions with confidence and sincerity.
Go somewhere you can be alone. Go for a long drive. Go for a walk in the woods. Leave your phone and ipads and electronic junk behind. Just you and your thoughts. Answer the question “What do you want” and answer with complete honesty. There will be no one around to judge your thoughts, there will be no one around to laugh at you or say it can’t be one.
Look at yourself in the mirror. Do not look away. If you cannot look at yourself in the mirror without feeling disgust you cannot accomplish anything. You absolutely must be able to face yourself. When you become comfortable with yourself you will be comfortable exposing yourself and your plan to others.
Play To Your Strengths
Everyone has something they are good at. Play to the strengths you possess.
If you are low IQ you cannot move to Silicone Valley to develop web applications. If you are 5’6 and 28 years old you will not become a professional basketball player. If you live in the middle of nowhere, Kansas you are not going to become a famous actor.
Dreams Do Not Have To Be Grand
The dream for the entirety of my early adult life has been to be self-employed. This is not a grand dream, there are millions who make money on their own. All it takes to become self-employed is a method and a determination to make it work. Once I made the decision to go my own way and never look back it has been downhill.
It has been over 4 years since I have received a paycheck from an employer. If I had simply made the decision earlier and followed through with determination it could have been 10 years ago.
The Power Of Visualization
You must visualize yourself as you want to be. I did this long before I went into business on my own. I visualized exactly what I would be doing, how I would be acting, and wouldn’t you know it? Two or three years later I was doing exactly what I visualized myself doing.
When I want to lift a heavy weight for the first time I visualize it before I lift, sometimes for days. I see myself lifting it in my mind, by the time I get to the gym I have already lifted it a dozen times in my head. My brain already knows I can lift the weight, so I just pick it up and lift it.
The barriers we have are mostly psychological. If we can get past them in our mind they are extremely easy to fulfill in real life.
Choosing Your Destiny
Friends, it is your choice how you wish to live your life. The world is yours for the taking. Your destiny will be what you have built it to be. If you build upon it with a bunch of “I don’t know’s” or a bunch of letting things happen rather than taking action and making them happen then that is the destiny you have to look forward to.
If you have made the decision to plan out your life, rather than letting it happen, you can look forward to your plan coming to fruition.
Friends, I wish you all the best. I hope you will make a plan and follow through. The world has plenty of worker-bee slaves. Let those motherfuckers have it. Your destiny is yours to choose. The choices you make today will affect your tomorrow. Make the right one.
How to Find Out What Your Destiny Is (and answer the question “What Do You Want?”)
How to Find Out What Your Destiny Is (and answer the question “What Do You Want?”) - written by Unknown , published at 1:11 PM, categorized as Gists , news . And have 2 comments
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Nice one, i love this blog so much
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